For my Major Negotiated Project (MNP) in my final year of my degree which I have just started I am aiming to create a new craft magazine for the young adult audience.
Through my research into similar magazines which have this approach I discovered Flow magazine. It is based in The Netherlands although has recently started to produce international issues. I immediately fell in love with the look and feel of this magazine. And the style it holds which is transferred into the website. (
Flow describes itself; "Flow Magazine International is a magazine for paper lovers. We love crafting, mindfulness, illustrations, and positive psychology, and we celebrate the handmade and imperfect." This sense of having fun and enjoying yourself is something I wish to transfer into the craft magazine market.
Everything about the magazine from the front covers designs, layouts and packaging for the consumer market intrigues me to learn more.
I love the look of this magazine when it is on the shelf. I understand the importance of this as this is what the consumer is seeing when they decide whether or not to buy the magazine. It definitely would stand out for me and catch my eye.
My copy of Issue 2 is in the post on the way to me, I cannot wait until it arrives. Issue 3 has just been launched!!